Date to Days Calculator

If you need to convert a date to days or calculate the total number of days between two dates, then this is the right one for you. This calculator helps you convert the number of days between dates for your planning, age calculation or any other date-based calculation.

0 Days
Unit Value

How to Use Date to Days Calculator?

  1. Enter First Date

    Select your starting date using the date picker. This can be any past or future date.

  2. Enter Second Date

    Choose your end date, and click on calculate button. The calculator will automatically find the total number of days between these dates.

  3. View Total Days

    The calculator instantly shows:

    • Total number of days between the dates (prominently displayed)
    • Breakdown in other units for reference
    • Automatic updates as you change either date

How the Days Calculation Works?

1. Basic Calculation

  • You need to convert both dates to milliseconds since January 1, 1970 (Unix timestamp)
  • Then, find the absolute difference between these timestamps
  • Finally, convert the difference into days by dividing it by:
    • 1000 (milliseconds to seconds)
    • 60 (seconds to minutes)
    • 60 (minutes to hours)
    • 24 (hours to days)

2. Considerations:

  • Leap Years: Automatically handled by the JavaScript Date object
  • Month Lengths: Accounts for varying month lengths (28-31 days)
  • Time Zones: Calculations are done in the local time zone to avoid date shifts

3. Formula Used

Total Days = |Date2 - Date1| / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)

Date1 = First selected date
Date2 = Second selected date
1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 = Milliseconds in a day

Use of Date to Days Conversion

Below are the common uses of calculating days from date:
  • Calculate it for any future event or time frame
  • Find the number of days since last event
  • You can use this for timeline calculation
  • Also, you can use for age calculations in days
How to use this calculator?:
  • For counting days from today, use today's date as one of your inputs
  • The calculator includes both start and end dates in the total
  • Dates can be in any order - the calculator will find the difference between dates automatically
The calculator counts the total number of days between two dates, including both the start and end dates. It automatically accounts for leap years and different month lengths.
Yes, simply use today's date as one of your inputs. You can calculate days to or from any date relative to today.
No, you can enter the dates in any order. The calculator will always show the positive number of days between them.
Yes, the calculator automatically includes leap years in its calculations. This calculator takes into account multiple leap years to ensure accurate results.