Business Days Calculator

To calculate the number of business days between two dates, select the date, and with options to include or exclude Saturdays and Sundays. Click on the Calculate button.


Total Business Days


Total Saturdays


Total Sundays


Please enter valid start and end dates.

What is Business Days?

Business days refer to weekdays, from Monday to Friday. These are the days when most businesses operate. Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and holidays are excluded in the calculation of business days. Business days are used for shipping or delivery times, work schedules, and project timelines.

Business days refer to working days, Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and holidays.
Business days are essential for our daily life, such as planning projects, for deadlines, or tracking any work schedule.
Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) are excluded from business day calculations. Only weekdays (Monday to Friday) are counted.
Currently, this calculator excludes weekends only. Customization is required for holidays.
You can calculate business days between two dates by excluding weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and any holidays. So use our tool to calculate this.