Age Calculator
This calculator is accurate for knowing your exact age and seeing a detailed account of your life in years, months, days. Also, you will get to know how you have spent your time.
Your Age
How You've Spent Your Time
How to Use Age Calculator?
Enter Your Birth Date
Select your birth date using the date picker. This can be any past date.
Enter Current Date
Choose the current date. The calculator will automatically find your age and time distribution.
View Your Age and Time Distribution
The calculator instantly shows:
- Your age in years, months, and days
- A detailed breakdown of your life in hours, minutes, and seconds
- A time distribution chart showing how you've spent your time
How the Age Calculation Works
1. Basic Calculation of Age
- Convert both dates to milliseconds since January 1, 1970 (Unix timestamp)
- Find the absolute difference between these timestamps
- Convert the difference to days by dividing by:
- 1000 (milliseconds to seconds)
- 60 (seconds to minutes)
- 60 (minutes to hours)
- 24 (hours to days)
2. Considerations for the Calculation:
- Leap Years: Automatically handled by the JavaScript Date object
- Month Lengths: Accounts for varying month lengths (28-31 days)
- Time Zones: Calculations are done in the local time zone to avoid date shifts
3. Formula Used
Total Days = |Date2 - Date1| / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)
Date1 = Birth date
Date2 = Current date
1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 = Milliseconds in a day
Uses of Age Calculation:
- Calculate age for personal or professional purposes
- Determine age for eligibility or qualification
- Plan events or celebrations based on age
What do you get?
- You can find your age in different units (years, months, days, etc.)
- Compare your age with others or with historical events
- Use the time distribution chart to visualize your life