Date Difference Calculator

The calculator is for calculating the difference between two dates in different units, such as years, months, weeks, days, hours, and seconds. So, use this tool for event and project management and many other tasks.


0 Years
0 Months
0 Days
Unit Value

How to Calculate Date Difference?

  1. Select Start Date

    Click on the "Start Date" field and choose your initial date from the calendar. This could be either the earlier or later date.

  2. Choose End Date

    Select your end date in the "End Date" field. The calculator will automatically find the difference regardless of which date is earlier.

  3. View Results

    The calculator instantly shows the difference in multiple units:

    • Years: Total number of complete years between dates
    • Months: Total months (including partial years)
    • Weeks: Complete weeks between the dates
    • Days: Total number of days
    • Hours: Total hours between dates
    • Minutes: Complete minutes
    • Seconds: Total seconds between dates

Smart tips from cmtokm

Use of different date calculation:

  • You can count year, months, days until an event or between important dates
  • Also find out your exact age in years, months and days
  • You can also set the duration of a any project
  • Create countdowns for special occasions Pro tips:

Pro tips:

  • For age calculation, enter your birth date as start date and current date as end date
  • Similarly for project planning, remember to account for weekends and holidays
  • Use the seconds count for precise technical calculations
The calculator subtracts the earlier date from the later date to calculate the time difference.
Yes, it automatically adjusts for leap years when calculating the difference.
Yes, the calculator provides results in hours, minutes, and seconds as well.
Absolutely! This tool is 100% free for all users.