Weeks Calculator
This weeks number calculator helps you calculate the number of weeks between two dates, add weeks to a date or subtract weeks from a date. For example, if you want to know the number of weeks between two dates, or add or subtract weeks, this tool can help you.
Just choose the calculation type, select dates from both fields and click the calculate button to get the result in weeks and other formats.
⚙️ Operation Type
How to Use This Calculator
- Select your desired operation type (Weeks Between, Add Weeks, or Subtract Weeks)
- Enter the Start Date in the first input field
- Depending on your selection:
- For Weeks Between: Enter the End Date
- For Add/Subtract: Enter the number of weeks
- Click the Calculate button to see your results
- Use the Clear button to reset all fields
Calculation Formula
The calculation formula for a weeks day calculator is given below:
- Weeks Between Dates: (End Date - Start Date) / (7 days)
- Add Weeks: Start Date + (Number of Weeks × 7 days)
- Weeks: Start Date - (Number of Weeks × 7 days)
Frequently Asked Questions
The calculator provides precise calculations down to the day. It considers a
week as exactly 7 days,
and accounts for varying month lengths and leap years.
We show different time formats (days, hours, minutes) to give you a complete
perspective of the time difference.
This is particularly useful for project planning or when precise time
measurements are needed.
Yes, when calculating weeks between dates, the result will show partial
weeks as decimal points.
For adding/subtracting weeks, you'll need to enter whole numbers.
Yes, the calculator uses your browser's timezone settings and automatically
accounts for daylight saving time
changes when calculating the difference between dates.