Time And Date Calculator
To figure out the exact time and date based on past or future , enter the value, select the time unit from the dropdown menu and click the button. There are two buttons Future and Past, future is the time from and past is time ago. You will find both results in time and date in a large font, whereas the current time in a normal font.
Accurate Time
You will find real-time calculations with live every second
Multiple Units
Not only hours, you can also calculate using minutes, days, weeks, months or years
Past & Future
You don't need to search Ago, or From calculation separately. You can navigate in both directions using the past and future buttons.
More Time & Date Calculations
Time Units Explained
Minutes & Hours
This calculation is for short term, you get the exact time suitable for your events.
- • 1 hour = 60 minutes
- • 1 day = 24 hours
Days & Weeks
In day and week calculation, you get the exact date as well as time.
- • 1 week = 7 days
- • 1 month ≈ 30/31 days
Months & Years
This is for long period date calculations.
- • 1 year = 12 months
- • 1 year = 365/366 days